
Day 32 – Austin, NV to Eureka, NV – Deja-Vu

72 miles in 6.83 hours – Max Speed 36.5mph

I had looked up the ride today, and despite the 72 miles with no services, I had heard that it was not a hard ride. Well, I knew that I had to get over Austin Mountain before I got into the ride proper, and it was a beast. I headed up that beast, and made it the three miles to the summit after a 45 minute ride.

Looking back at the town of Austin from the mountain of Austin.

Looking back at the town of Austin from the mountain of Austin.

That was a good one.

That was a good one.

What goes up must come down. Unless it escapes Earth's gravitational field. Luckily I haven't yet.

What goes up must come down. Unless it escapes Earth's gravitational field. Luckily I haven't yet.

I then had a short downhill, and then another immediate uphill. Dammit. I got over Bob Scott pass, and then had a glorious downhill.

As promised.

As promised.

I had a short glide, and then another uphill! I got to the pass of that hill, and realized that I had done the first 20 miles in 3 hours. Not good.

Too many hills.

Too many hills.



After that summit though, the ride finally flattened out, and I pumped out the next 45 miles.

I then had another hill to climb to get into town, much like the day before. And just like the day before, I again bonked. I grunted and groaned, but eventually got into town, and looked around for a cheap motel.



I wonder what the other towns on the 50 think of this claim.

I wonder what the other towns on the 50 think of this claim.

There were two on the main street, but they were both closed down. That left the Best Western as the only choice, but when I went in and asked, they said it was $95 with taxes and all that. Yikes.

I went back outside, rode around town a little more, and then, defeated, went back to the Best Western and got a room. I went up the street and had the biggest chili dog I have ever seen (it was really a hot dog and bun buried somewhere under chili). Going to the grocery store I ran into my two friends from the day before and we talked for a while longer. Eventually I headed back towards the hotel and wished them luck. I never saw them again.

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