
Day 35 – Border, NV to Delta, UT – New State, New Time Zone

91 miles in 8.25 hours – Max Speed 32mph

I woke up, and had breakfast in the cafe at the Border Inn. I relized that I had not gambled at all in Nevada, so I put 50 cents into a video poker machine. I pushed the first two hands, then lost the next two. Oh well, next time. I set out into Utah.

They didn't say anything about the bribery that got them those games though. Oh well, one time zone down, two more to enter!

They didn't say anything about the bribery that got them those games though. Oh well, one time zone down, two more to enter!

Longest stretch of the trip, but shorter than I thought it would be. I never had any water issues at all after day 5 or so despite the distances.

Longest stretch of the trip, but shorter than I thought it would be. I never had any water issues at all after day 5 or so despite the distances.

Goodbye Border Inn

Goodbye Border Inn

Is it just me or does that sound like a KKK name? Grand Dragon of the Republic. Why are all their names so nerdy anyway? Did they stop playing DnD long enough to come up with all their names?

Is it just me or does that sound like a KKK name? Grand Dragon of the Republic. Why are all their names so nerdy anyway? Did they stop playing DnD long enough to come up with all their names?

Immediately the road quality goes from good to crap.

Nice. Do painted cattle guards work as well as real ones?

Nice. Do painted cattle guards work as well as real ones?

Look closely and you can see some local fauna. Pretty cool. too bad he got run over by 1 of 5 cars I saw all day 5 seconds after the picture was taken.

Look closely and you can see some local fauna. Pretty cool. too bad he got run over by 1 of 5 cars I saw all day 5 seconds after the picture was taken.

Nevada had spoiled me with awesome roads. I chug along, and it is a lot hotter than it had been in Nevada, and also a lot clearer. I have a climb out of the shoot, and then an amazing decent.





My phone disagrees with the sign, and instead claims we are at the bottom of the ocean. Either my phone or the sign is wrong, I am not sure which.

My phone disagrees with the sign, and instead claims we are at the bottom of the ocean. Either my phone or the sign is wrong, I am not sure which.



It was really picturesque, so I tried to capture it at 30 mph down the hill. I am not a role model, do not do as I do. It was a good decent and there was no traffic though.







I then had a last climb and then a 40 mile stretch with only some rolling hills.

More Utah Desert

More Utah Desert

Trilobites! Nice.

Trilobites! Nice.

Nice river

Nice river

A much better picture of a salt flat.

A much better picture of a salt flat.



I made it to Hinkley with no issues, and right before entering town, I ran into another tourer doing New York to San Francisco. He was from South Korea, and spoke almost no English. He seemed extremely excited to see me and tried hard to have a conversation, but every time I thought we were making progress, he would prove that we were not. Like I explained where Baltimore was, and I said that I was going there because it was my home and my family lived there, and he said okay. Then he asked why I wasn’t going to New York. Oh well. He was friendly and I spent the rest of the day thinking about what his trip must have been like and how he will think of America when he goes home.

My South Korean Friend

My South Korean Friend

I got to Delta and checked into a super cheap motel and shopped and ate some dinner. I updated some stuff online and went to bed.

Clever using a triangular sign.

Clever using a triangular sign.

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Written by in: America,Everything |

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